This is the first time I have written the August report when harvest is not complete. Currently (31st August) we have 2 wheat fields and a field of beans getting wet.
It has been a long and protracted harvest. Only the rape went in at the right time last August and ripened early due to the heat in July. We knew the yield was going to be disappointing because of the Cabbage Stem flea beetle attack and poor weather conditions. We have been growing rape for over 30 years. I don’t need to look up all the field record’s, I know it is the worst yield yet.
We averaged about 1 tonne per acre. I have heard of others doing an awful lot less!
We had late October and February drilled wheat. In a normal season all should have been drilled from the second week in October and finished by when we change the clocks. The relentless rain set us back & things did not improve enough for a proper catch up. The earlier drilled first wheats naturally ripened earlier and were harvested dry.
The spring Barley crop was ready before the late drilled wheat. We started it on 12th August in extremely hot conditions. That evening the thunderous rain arrived and everything was delayed. Since then we have had 105mm of rain. Double what we expect for the month. Not only did we get rain we also got strong winds knocking the grain onto the floor. We measure wind speed at the turbine, it has been windy. So rough, the result was that last Wednesday 59.9% of the National grid was powered by wind power. A new record.
We eventually finished the Spring barley. This year we opted to grow for quantity rather than malting quality. We ended up with a low yield & feed quality. The barley straw baling for the cattle was delayed because it got wet. Like the season, the barley was short and the number of bales down. We have had to bale many more acres of wheat straw to get enough for the cattle bedding & feed for the winter. We have plenty for them now.
Final comment on the harvest: A year best forgotten!
Luckily there has been a benefit from the weather. The grass has continued to grow strongly, and the cattle have done well. This last fortnight calves have been arriving daily and are doing fine.
Gavin has also been selling bulls for other breeding herds. They have been going all over the country.
The cultivated crop harvest has been well below average & disappointing. But luckily, we do harvest the elements. You have all seen the turbines and the generation this year has been good! The solar panels on the grain store roof (40Kw capacity) have also had a good year. I mentioned earlier in the year that we were planning water harvesting. We have now got 3 tanks collecting water off the shed rooves. Total capacity of 40 000 litres. No surprise, they are all full! The soft water is used for crop spraying, cattle drinking in buildings and washing water. There is a financial benefit from all three but alas a long way short of making up the loss on the arable farming job.
Rape drilling is nearly finished. There is plenty of moisture for germination! The wet has brought up the slugs, but at the time of writing the dreaded cabbage stem flea beetle are only about in small numbers. If the present population doesn’t increase for 3 weeks the crop should be OK going into the winter. We are hoping hard for a better season.